Friday, September 20, 2019

DFI Day 9: Ubiquitous Learning

The theme for today regarding the Manaiakalani pedagogy was

Ubiquitous - learning anytime, anywhere and any place!

Having the rewindable learning available for all at any time is impacting on student, family and community empowerment.

No more of me looking like this either!!!

 Some of the data that was presented, especially around the summer reading journey was really positive and encouraging. The impact that completing 3 blog posts per week has on a students achievement is fantastic. I love the fact that our students here in Tairawhiti are able to access this in the coming summer!

It's been a real wild ride at times undertaking this DFI. I found it quite challenging at times as I'm not using many of the features with my class. All teachers are time poor and finding time to play around hasn't been featuring much in my daily life! However I have gained so much knowledge around the pedagogy and the understanding that lies behind the Manaiakalani initiative. I can make projects to support my students learning and as a team we are now working more collaboratively through the google apps.

Friday, September 13, 2019

DFI DAy 8 MEDIA with Matt

DFI Day 7 - Media

Was great to have Matt here from Point England school and see examples of what they are doing as they are further along in their Manaiakalani journey then we are. Am now thinking I need to lift my self expectations and where I will be operating in a decades time! Nice to know I have enough time to get more confident and capable in my digital technology abilities!

Part of the learning today was about Empowerment, or student agency or efficacy. I love the term that Manaiakalani use better because it's all about empowering the learners. With my five year-olds and in my class we call it "Kid power' or 'Kid choice", and when they talk about it they throw one fist into the air as if they are going to launch themselves into space! I bite the sides of my mouth to stop my smiles as they take it very seriously...and I love that they do!

I am quite keen to get a bit more up-skilled in using google slides as an educational tool for my wee ones. I made this one today but it is pretty basic...

I am also loving making the Explain Everything projects and spend quite a bit of time making differentiated projects for my learners. They are now using them at a more independent level which has further inspired me to attempt to make more incorporating the different curriculums. Next we are going to learn how to video and record ourselves practicing saying our speeches - we have two weeks until speech finals and having them being able to see what they look and sound like will, I believe, make for powerful learning!

Learnt how to make a youtube playlist which I can see myself using, finding and creating lists for future learning for my students. Having everything off of my bookmarks and into another source will be brilliant!

Matt took us through how to live stream and I am wondering if that would be a possibility for our school to use during our speech finals for our whanau who can't make it in. Or perhaps it would be of more value to record each classes speeches so ALL parents can view their child's presentations. Need to think what I will use to do this and how to get it through to my families. I could drop it onto my fb page which is up and running and most parents are part of our class community.

Next week is our Google Educators Exam, a feeling a bit of anxiety however my plan, as it stands, is to find some time to go through the practice exams and see what I need to brush up on! Or maybe not...someone said don't go near them, they tried them, failed them all, lost confidence but still passed the actual exam...go figure eh!

Friday, September 6, 2019

DFI Making Connections

DFI Day 7 - Making Connections and Dealing With Data

I find it interesting how everything is to be transparent these days. Feeling slightly vulnerable with this imperative...  not that I don't want to share but it's more around ensuring that I am NOT inadvertently sharing sensitive information! I could see me posting sensitive info out there into the big wide world!

I love the concept of being connected - of my students being connected and that geography not being a barrier. I am most excited though about the change in  mindset among our profession. It did use to be that we only got together in competition, usually on the sports field. Now however, I meet with the NE/Y1 cluster of teachers each term and share challenges and successes, we meet through our Kahui Ako and share best practice and data. We investigate students leading learning through across school workshops. We meet each term with the ECE teachers and NE teachers and chat about transitioning, play-based learning and how we can support, not only our students but each other. All these initiatives show a strengthening of the kaupapa of connectedness.

New learning for the day involved a very quick and INTENSIVE (got slightly anxious!) seminar on the My Map. Had a great deal of difficulty keeping up, however I managed to get a few of the instructions followed and below is the map that I made using the destinations from the cohort, my longest journey and my school pin. However I must not have saved it correctly as some of these are not showing up!

We also learnt how to obtain and analyse data from students blogs, retrieving the raw data and creating a graph.