Friday, August 9, 2019

Day Three DFI - Creating and Collaborating

Day 3 DFI - Creating and Collaborating

Creativity empowers the learning and the learners. A key foundational goal of the Manaiakalani initiative is to 'motivate learners to engage with the curriculum' and one powerful way is to ignite their creativity. Creativity is not focused on the end product but on the PROCESS that the students engage in as they work, often collaboratively, on creating a vehicle through which they can share their learning.

Igniting the learning through audio, visual and movement (SISOMO) is a dynamic way to help teachers foster student engagement and promote the learning. Allowing students choice through which they create is also important. There are many varied mediums for the students to engage through.

Students learn through DOING (creating) - when you give the students something to do, learning occurs through the doing (creating).

My personal learning today was a series of roller coaster rides... at times I was all up in the air not knowing what I was supposed to be doing  -  hanging on for dear life and waiting for the plummet into confusion and angst! At other times it was smooth going with merciful bends and gentle hills and valleys and I was keeping up and understanding!

 However the best part of the day was when I persevered and managed to create a little something on a google site! Was so impressed with myself as I was feeling very challenged by the pace of the new learning today! I think, for me, I need to find the time (haha) to play with the tasks and see what I can do and what I need to ask for further help with.

The concept of using google sites as a co-operative and collaborative planning tool with the team at school is quite exciting. Having all the resources there at a clink of a link seems to me to be the way forward. I am hoping to use this tool at the end of the term when we have our team planning meeting for term 4's learning. I am sure my colleagues will love having almost everything in the one place. What I would also like to investigate further is using google slide as a tool for engaging our NE  students with the learning...using symbols to help them traverse the links and have simple activities for them to complete.



  1. Kia ora Cathy,
    I appreciate the roller coaster nature of DFI. I appreciate even more that you hold on and recognise you will get to those smooth times. Would love to have a link to clink to see you little something on a google site!
    Ngā mihi,

  2. Cathy,
    isn't it great to have the time like the DFI day to get your teeth into something and navigate the twists and turns. It's great that you can see the power of Google sites and how you can use them in your team.
    Your ending quote is a beauty. Love it. And today was fun!

  3. Really enjoying being upside down, and twisted/turning around with you as we learn through DFI... loved your genuine and honest blog post, see you next Friday.

  4. Kia ora Cathy,
    I empathised with my class when I was hanging upside down on the DFI rollercoaster! New learning is HARD and exhausting! Keep up the great mahi!
    Mā te wā,
