Friday, August 16, 2019

DFI DAy 4 Devices

The new learning...well I absolutely love the idea that we come from a position of strength and positivity! We focus on the great stuff and provide our students with not what they shouldn't be doing but what they should. 

That positive mindset sits well with me! 

I loved having the opportunity to work for the first time on a chromebook! Bit challenging when the buttons aren't where you're used to them being.

It would just be a matter of getting used to the keyboard and mouse but I was pleasantly surprised at the ease of the machine.

I also really enjoyed working on the ipads on the Explain Everything app which I already am using with my NE class. I managed to make a simple animation with audio. Unfortunately I can't get it onto this blog! I am going to use this app to make a presentation where each of my students makes a short video about our enviro learning this year to shaare with our Enviro teacher. I'm really looking forward to making it and hopefully I will be able to share it on here later.

The use of the screencastify tool was interesting! I can see how I could use this both in the classroom and maybe with my team...sharing sites and possible discussion/focus questions with colleagues. I made a quick and awkward screencastify about Manaiakalani Smart Values here...



  1. Isn't it great to be getting a stronger knowledge base & practice application of the Cybersmart curriculum & how it integrates within the Learn, Create, Share pedagogy. I love your positive disposition - you're a ray of sunshine Mrs Rowell.

  2. So awesome to hear about little snippets that your 5 yr olds are getting up to with iPads and Explain Everything... inspiring! I noticed you had a gnarly cough, and still turned up and gave it your best. Take care and I hope that you have a lovely, restful weekend.

  3. Kia ora Cathy,
    Ghandi's quote resonated with me too - thank you for sharing (you always find such good ones!). As the Enviro teacher I can't wait to see the video you are going to make with your class. Your students will be buzzing when they make it and see it on the T.V. I couldn't quite see all of your Screencastify. If you go into HTML and change the width it will fit on your page. Awesome to see you using all these new skills & knowledge - ka mau te wehi! Have a lovely weekend.
    Mā te wā,

  4. You seem so much more confident each week Cathy. Like your mouse GIF too - took me a few minutes to get it though.

  5. I loved hearing about what you do with your lovely New Entrant's! The Explain Everything app looks fantastic. It was great to see you share a taste of what your digital classroom activties look like. Thanks for being so kind and bringing your iPads along for us all to use!

  6. Ha ha your mouse! Love it! I'm pleased to hear I'm not the only one that has trouble with the chrome books. I always get confused with the keys. You're right though, it would only be a matter of time to get used to the keyboard. Well done with your screencastify. It feels strange videoing myself but I definitely see the benefits. I can't wait to hear more about the amazing work you are doing with your tamariki. What lucky students they are!

  7. Good stuff Cathy - love the presentation of the blog too. Canada!

  8. I like the positivity of the Cybersmart messages too Cathy - focus on what we should do! Love the mouse gif and I'm amazed at what you are doing with your new entrants and can see that the explain everything app would be so useful. Have a great week.

  9. Kia ora Cathy,
    Great reflections about how you could use the screencastify tool. Of course ipads have their own native screen recording tool.

  10. Kia ora Cathy,
    you are an inspiration. You are always thinking about how you can use stuff with your learners and today was no exception. YEs - we can do lots with the iPads in Rm8 and with our Manaiakalani network we don't have to reinvent the wheel. Looking forward to planning more with you with the iPads.
    Mā te wā
